Posts from May 2019

Posts from May 2019

The Sloppiest Drunk On Chene Street

The Sloppiest Drunk On Chene St! I had my mind blown at today’s outreach at Peacemakers!  It was towards the end of the event, and I was standing in the background talking with somebody.  About 50 feet away my eyes met with another man who seemed to be smiling and walking towards me.  As I focused in on his face, slowly it dawned on me who it was.  It was Samuel!  I had not seen Samuel in probably 10 years. …

Our Native American Families

Our Native American Families A place in need of healing. Much brokenness and despair. A feeling of “people don’t care”, a “we’ve been left alone to die and disappear from the face of the earth.” Many cries from many of our hearts from many generations have come up to the ears of the Creator. He has heard us, we must believe, or we will cease to exist. No one will answer the cries of our hearts to come help us,…