Join us in celebrating Peacemakers 30th Anniversary and take a trip down memory lane by watching some historical videos showcasing our evolution since the 90’s!
WHAT WE DO (Click any key title for more info) 1. Outreach – We put on a large event each 3rd Saturday and reach out to the lost, homeless, broken, and needy! Reaching out is also interwoven into all of our every day activities as well. 2. Discipleship/Aftercare – Our Jesus House is a place where struggling men can come and reside in a caring environment to help them forward in life. Our women’s home will be starting again soon in a new…
Unity In John 17, Jesus prayed a lengthy prayer to the Father before He went to the cross. John 17:20-21 “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, they they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou has sent me.” That part of the prayer was directly for…
The Sloppiest Drunk On Chene St! I had my mind blown at today’s outreach at Peacemakers! It was towards the end of the event, and I was standing in the background talking with somebody. About 50 feet away my eyes met with another man who seemed to be smiling and walking towards me. As I focused in on his face, slowly it dawned on me who it was. It was Samuel! I had not seen Samuel in probably 10 years. …