What Is P.I.?
What is Peacemakers International?
That’s a good question. Do you have 3 minutes?
We love to help people with their drug addictions. — but its more than that.
We provide food and clothing for the needy. — but that’s only part of it.
We have Sunday services. — but we are vastly different than the average church.
We put on outdoor events to bless the people of the inner city in multiple ways. — but that’s just another aspect of it.
So just what is Peacemakers International?
Maybe it could best described as a 24/7, non-stop, family community. A place that is always there, not just on Sundays.
Perhaps its a band of people that come from many different walks of life, from every segment of society imaginable.
Or you could say it is a spot where the poor and rich meet together. Where the white and black learn to serve each other. Where any person is welcome at any time, no matter who they are, what they have done, what they have, or what they look like.
A place where there is opportunity for many.
It might be a good time for our mission statement: “Peacemakers International was birthed to reach the lost, to give hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless; to demonstrate the love of God to the outcasts and rejected of society. We are here to make a difference in the lives of men and women and to help to establish God’s standard in their lives. Peacemakers International is also a teaching and training facility to develop leaders and followers to do the work of the ministry. We have committed ourselves to work as a team to fulfill God’s dream in the lives of the less fortunate. The challenges we face will be stepping stones to new doors of opportunity to touch more lives. We put no limits on the vision that God places before us, as we step out in faith to accomplish His purpose. We dedicate this work to the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.”
Here’s a few things we feel passionate about:
- We desire to see unity amongst Gods people, that there be no division
- Every person deserves a chance to be loved, accepted, and restored
- Jesus Christ is what we need
- God has an incredible journey for every person
Thru many different avenues, events, and programs we desire to carry this good news to people. The rest of this website gives most of the pieces of what we do. We believe in being real, we believe in being hands on. This world doesn’t need another church building, or a bunch of dressed up people on Sunday — it needs the Real Love of Jesus shown through Real People like you and me. And so we endeavor, to the best of our ability, to make a Real Difference at our headquarters at 5322 Chene.
We have ALOT of vision for the city of Detroit.
We also think this mission should go around the world, to places that need it.
If you think big like us, maybe we need to sit down and talk.
Take a few more minutes to scroll around the site, then come pay us a visit sometime. We’ll probably have some coffee on when you do.